Weight Converter
convert pounds to other weight units
Weight converter for units including Kilograms, Pounds, Grams, Ounces, Carrats etc.
The Metric System of Measurements uses the mass units: gram (g), kilogram (kg) and tonne (t).
1000 g = 1 kg |
1000 kg = 1 tonne |
Adding prefixes of the International System of Units (SI) allows to express weight as multiples or fractions of 1 gram:
1 gigatonne | (Gt) | =1 000 000 000 000 000 g |
1 megatonne | (Mt) | =1 000 000 000 000 g |
1 tonne | (t) | =1 000 000 g |
1 kilogram | (kg) | =1 000 g |
1 gram | (g) | =1 g |
1 milligram | (mg) | =0.001 g |
1 microgram | (µg) | =0.000 001 g |
1 nanogram | (ng) | =0.000 000 001 g |
1 picogram | (pg) | =0.000 000 000 001g |
Imperial and US weight units can also be expressed as metric units:
Metric units | ||
1 US ton | (ton) | =0.907 tonne |
1 UK ton | (ton) | =1.016 tonne |
1 lb | (pound) | =453.59 g |
1 oz | (ounce) | =28.35g |